Site News
We presented one full paper, a reproducibility study, and four posters at the Internet Measurement Conference in Amsterdam
Demos on Information Centric Bluetooth LE and QoS-supported Desaster Management in the Information Centric IoT Presented at ACM ICN
Design and evaluation of the ECO Box was accepted for presentation at the ACM SenSys Workshop on Energy Harvesting and Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSsys) this fall in New York.
Spoofing detection using an active Internet telescope is a new approach to measuring security threats of the Internet infrastructure
Cenk and Peter receive funds from ACM to present papers and demos at the ACM conference on Information Centric Networking 2019 in Macau
PHiLIP enables RIOT testing with reference hardware in the loop
Our works on Quality of Service, Bluetooth Mesh, and DNSSec Name Binding have been accepted for presentation at the ACM conference on Information Centric Networking in Hongkong
Joined work with FU-Berlin and DE-CIX analyzed DDoS Countermeasures at Internet Exchange Points - now accepted at the Internet Measurement Conference.
Smart citizens and team discuss smart Hamburg options with smart industry and smart politics.
EU large-scale deployment project for smarter, safer cities and wearables assembles in Hamburg
Michel presents energy-autonomous RIOT node at the NetSys Conference in Munich
Our paper on ICN-LowPAN - Information Centric Networking in the Constrained IoT - will be part of IFIP Networking 2019
RIOT and Rapstore Exhibit at IoT Event "Touching Innovations" - Located in the former 'Kaiserliches Haupttelegraphenamt', Telekom Berlin-Mitte
Our Simulation of Secure Automotive Networks using SDN and AI on Display at the AEC in Munich
RAPstore - the RIOT App-Store is now online with a feature video by the German Ministry of Research and Education
Our work on future networking in cars has been accepted at IEEE Vehicular Technologies Conference (VTC-Spring)
Our open-source library RTRlib implements the RPKI/RTR protocol. The RTRlib is the backend for BGP daemons and monitoring tools to increase Internet routing security. It is now part of the official Debian package repository.