The 78th IETF meeting, Maastricht, Netherlands, July 25-30, 2010.
The 78th IETF meeting, Maastricht, Netherlands, July 25-30, 2010.
Gabriel gives a presentation about draft-knauf-p2psip-disco-00 @ SAMRG
Typical IETF picture: People staying in line at the mic
Co-author of the Mobile IP spec talks in the MobOpts RG
Charles Perkins talks about "4G Mobility Management -- what went wrong?"
Rajeev Koodli, chair of MobOpts RG
Current state of the GENI Project presented at MobOpts RG
Thomas talks about G-Lab in the MobOpts RG
Matthias gives a Presentation about a Common API for Transparent Hybrid Multicast