The latest release of the RTRlib version 0.5.0 was recently published.

SANE - our joint research proposal with UniHH about "Smart Networks for Urban Citizen Participation" has been accepted as one of four flagship projects of the City of Hamburg within the ahoi.digital strategy.

Papers will appear at the ACM SIGPlan SPlash '17, WS AGERE!, and in an upcoming collection on the state-of-the-art of Actor programming.

At the upcoming 4th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN 2017), we have been accepted to present two papers on communication technologies - for the IoT and for all nodes

Two weeks of actively coding Internet protocols in Prague and Schloß Dagstuhl

We are co-organizing the 16. GI / ITG KuVS Wireless Sensor Networks Symposium - FGSN 2017.

Dominik, our chief designer of the C++ Actor Framework (CAF), spends this month in Berkeley - four weeks full of research exchange and collaboration.