Sebastian Meiling: Nation-Centric Classification and Observation of the Internet

A Framework for Nation-Centric Classification and Observation of the Internet


Nov 02, 2010 from 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


R 0481

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The Internet has matured to a mission-critical infrastructure, and recently attracted much attention at political and legal levels in many countries. Civil actions regarding the Internet infrastructure require a thorough understanding of the national components of the global Internet to foresee possible impacts of regulations and operations at a country level. In this presentation we report on a methodology, tool chain and results for identifying and classifying a ’national Internet’. We argue for the importance to consider individual IP-blocks instead of prefixes and quantify the effects of our proposed approach. The methods have been applied to identify a ’German Internet’, but are designed general enough to work for most countries, as well.

